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UVA Library Data Services/StatLab Workshop: Introduction to Shiny

UVA Library Workshops page:

Instructor: Christina Gancayco

Instructor email:

Shiny is a framework for developing interactive, web visualizations and tools with R. This workshop will cover the key components of a Shiny app, creating a basic user interface, adding reactive widgets, and publishing a Shiny app to a hosting service to share with others.

No web development experience is required. R is available to everyone. The only prior knowledge assumed for this workshop is some programming experience with R. Please bring a laptop with R and RStudio installed to fully participate and reach out to Christina in advance with questions.

Sponsoring Organization(s):

October 7, 2020 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Pre-recorded lecture, Zoom lab

Event type: Lecture


Event type: Workshop