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Dustin Thomas is a PhD Student in the Mediterranean Art and Archaeology Program and an advisee of Dr. Tyler Jo Smith. Dustin's research interests include the archaeology of ancient Cyprus, especially during the Hellenistic and Roman periods; death, burial, and funerary practices in the Roman world; and the expression of identity and the impact of cross-cultural interaction in the material record. He has previously participated in archaoelgoical fieldwork in Italy, France, Cyprus, Maryland, Virginia, and Massachussetts. Regarding Digital Humanities, Dustin is particularly enthusiastic about how the discipline's tools and methods can be used to support and present research that is relatable and engaging for non-academic audiences. Previously, he has written and managed a blog, The Starving Archaeologist, which chronicles his experiences in the field and while traveling in order to share the discipline of archaeology and promote exploring world cultures. Dustin looks forward to developing this outlet further as he progresses through the Digital Humanities and Mediterranean Art and Archaeology programs.